Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Selby is in CB2

I'm not one who shamelessly plugs my endeavors for personal gain, but today I need your help friends. Yesterday CB2 announced an exciting contest with the illustrious photographer Todd Selby hanging on the coattails of his hot book The Selby is in Your Place (if you don't know who Todd Selby is, let me google him for you).

Unlike other drawings and giveaways that I have shared, this one concludes with a mammoth payout to the tune of a $10,000 CB2 gift card and a private photoshoot with none other than Todd Selby himself. I bet you can guess that as soon as I read the details, I was registered and entered into the mix. The largest difference of this contest compared to others is that it relies on how many votes an entry gets, and this is where I need your help. Each person is only allowed to make one vote per entry (and obviously I have already made mine) so please visit our entry "Bold and graphic in the 'burbs" and vote for our space.

We know our chance of winning is a long shot but what the heck, let's give it a try right? Here are the images I entered to represent our creative abode.

The other competition is fierce, but your vote counts!

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