Wednesday, October 28, 2009

GD pick up lines

These may lose some people, but since I am a graphic designer, I couldn't help passing them on.

Pick up lines to use on a graphic designer (if only my husband had known these!):
1. I wish I had an Eyedropper to capture the color of your eyes.
2. Has anybody ever told you that your teeth have perfect kerning?*
3. If you were a logo, it would be for a really premium brand.
4. I’m just like a global nav; I love to be on top.
5. Come back to my place and I’ll show you a really naughty way to fill up some negative space.
6. Would you like to lorem ipsum dolor sit on my lap?
7. If I went to a stock photography site and typed in the keyword: “sexy”, I bet there’d be a picture of you.
8. I couldn’t help but notice your eye path went right to my smudge stick.
9. If I hit Shift + [ will it increase the hardness of your brush?
10. Just looking at you, I could tell you display high Brightness and Vibrance, and have multiple Layers.
11. You look perfectly put together. Do you display this well in IE?*
12. I like my fonts sans-serif, and you sans-pants.
13. If you bring the tool, I’ll bring the color palette.
14. I dig your look and feel.
15. If you like what you see now, wait’ll you look below the fold.
16. Let’s “Skip Intro” and just go find a hotel room right now.
17. When I serve you breakfast in bed tomorrow, would you like your coffee with cream and sugar, or do you prefer it #000?
18. Do you want to touch my Bézier curves?
19. What if I told you the fly on my legs opens quicker than a 500kb JPEG file?
20. Mind if I take you for a usability test?
21. Let's go to bed and do the baseline shift.*
22. Adobe should've called it InDesire.
23. I hate Comic Sans too...wanna dance?*
24. I'm sorry, is my div tag open?*
25. You are one hot about some Private Browsing?
26. I wouldn't hit Ctrl+Z after a night with you.
27. You're so fine, you must be 1px.*
28. I'll make your clothes 0% opacity.
29. Can I select your area with my magic wand?
30. Show me your .tiffs*
31. If you are into neglect and S&M, I'll dodge and burn you.
32. You like it rough? I can drag and drop you all night.*

*made me giggle

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